Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

"Marilla, isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?"
"I'll warrant you'll make plenty in it," said Marilla.
-Anne Of The Green Gables

2014 has just begun and I've already started with my fair share of mistakes. But there is tomorrow and the rest of the year, still yet unblemished and unlived, with so much potential.

Still God know what's in store for 2014, what big and little things will happen, what stupid things I'm yet to do.

When the New Year began, I was at a watch night service at an Anglican Church. I'm not an Anglican and many of their customs are strange to me but I did love how they welcomed the New Year: There's the confession of past sins, and, boy, do we commit many. There is the resolution to try and please God in the coming year. And there is the remembrance of our hope in Christ; Victory has already been won!

I have sinned in the past and will continue doing so this year. Still I will strive to persevere in the faith and continue my daily battle with sin. And I have the hope that He who has begun a good work in me will complete it.

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